Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 05 (1984)(ASP Software)(Side B).tzx
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5 h;"Page ";a/h 5 ;"START THE TAPE": 5 - Q to Quit": 5 " Press 2 or 3 for pages or Hold S for 5 THEN PRESS ANY KEY 4 h;"48K Only": 4 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 4 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 3 s$(f)=" " 3 ????????????G 3 ???????????? 3 ??????888???666666666666G 3 ;" START THE TAPE ": 2 my,s((my-8 2 b(f),p(f); 2 USE LIST 2 2 TUrev 2 MZrev 2 HKrev 2 GJrev 2 AArev 2 ;" Q to QUIT or any other to PLAY " 2 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE ": 2 *STOP TAPE ALARM* 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrpppppppppppprpppppppppppprppppprpppppppppppprpppppppppppprppppprpppppppppppprpppppppppppprppppprpppppppppppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr<<<<<<<<<<<<r<<<<<<<<<<<<r<<<<<rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr222222222222r222222222222r22222rpppppppppppprpppppppppppprppppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrprrrrrrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 xxEEExEEExxxxxxxxxxxDDDDxxxx 1 xxEEExEEExxxxxxxxxDDDDDxxxxx 1 xxEEExEEExxxppppppppppppppppx 1 smear+i,a: 1 sc=sc+bonus: 1 s(f)=s(f)-m(f) 1 s(f)=s(f)+m(f) 1 reviews2 1 p(f)=s(f)+2 1 our submarine 1 ions of all players, and details of all the pro 1 hack S 1 h;" 48K Only": 1 escape 1 e is fastenough t 1 diff=diff+.25 1 depth 1 decks = 1 b(f)=b(f)-1 1 arts do- ing it this way."'" The maze is rando 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 UUTDEDDDDn 1 UUDDUTDDDF 1 UTDEUTDDDDn 1 UDDUUDDDDDF 1 ESCAPE! BY ANDREW BIGLIN. 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ;;" ": 1 ;'" DEPTH CHARGE by PAUL JOBSON "' 1 ;"YOU LASTED ";sh;" SHEET";: 1 ;"YOU HAVE LOST ALL YOUR 3 LIVES YOU SCORED ";s;" POINTS AND"; 1 ;"SOFTWARE REVIEWS"'' 1 ;"SHIPS=";lv; 1 ;"SCORE=";sc 1 ;"PRESS Q TO QUIT OR ANY OTHER TO RUN AGAIN" 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;"HUNTER KILLER from PROTEK"; 1 ;"HI-SCORE=";hi; 1 ;"GO TO JAIL from AUTOMATA"; 1 ;"BONUS=";bonus;" ": 1 ;"ANT ATTACK from QUICKSILVA"; 1 ;" TUTANKHAMUN from MICROMANIA"; 1 ;" MAZIACS from DK'TRONICS"; 1 ;" LOADING " 1 ;" HACKER'S HANGOUT " 1 ;" GAME OVER ": 1 ;" COMPUTER PROGRAM DATA RECORDER"'" CPD - 8300"'" from W H SMITH " 1 ;" **";("*" 1 ;" YOU MANAGED TO BEAT THE HIGH SCORE BY ";s-hs;" POINTS" 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO START " 1 ;" SUPERSCOPE C-190"'" from BOOTS" 1 ;" ": 1 ; " Super Tape Recorders- Do You Want To Know? (We tell you anyway!) " 1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 8888888888888888888888888888 1 )! WHEN YOU GET A KEY THE DOORS AT THE SIDES WILL OPEN." 1 ) MUST ESCAPE BY GETTING A KEY ( 1 ) BEFORE THE WALLS CLOSE IN. CAPTURE THE WHITE MEN ( 1 ) FOR POINTS, BUT BEWARE OF THE GREEN MEN ( 1 (my,mx)>40 1 '" The submarines move faster & fire faster, more accurate mis- siles as the game progresses."''" There is a bonus at the end of each screen but if this drops below 0 then a ship is lost."''" There is an extra ship at 1000" 1 '" MOVE LEFT - A"'" MOVE RIGHT- S"'" DEPTH CHARGE (LEFT)- K"'" DEPTH CHARGE (RIGHT)- L" 1 '" PRESS ANY KEY TO START " 1 "vice versa, can climb the build-ings or go through doorways whenfleeing from ants. They can alsothrow grenades, or jump on the ants to disable them, which lastseems more permanent. Blown up ants appear to be replaced." 1 "us to BASIC when we're done. Theroutine can run in any address. In all it could look like this:"''" DEC HEX ENGLISH "''" 33 21 Load HL pair with- 128 80 6480 hex = 25728, 100 64 The 'from' address 17 11 Load DE pair with- 0 00 4000 hex = 16384, 64 40 The 'to' address" 1 "the way. The main problem is that you can't carry both sword and treasure, and your chances against a MAZIAC barehanded are much less than when armed. Thereis an element of chance in any case. Skill won't win for sure." 1 "the periscope even goes up and down, and the asdic sounds just like it does in the old movies. This is more of a simulation than an arcade game, with the sub responding somewhat ponder- ously to the controls, as in the" 1 "that quick flash of the snapshotonto the screen in our software reviews?' So here's the answer. Anything fast is machine code by definition, but don't worry, this is the shortest bit of codeyou'll find anywhere. If you " 1 "tapes sent in by you lot! Slightly smaller than the W H Smith set at 7*10*3 inches, thisdeck does weigh more and has more inside. It also costs more at just under fifty notes, a notinconsiderable `10 difference." 1 "seconds he blinks twice and sitsdown."'" The object is, of course, to get the treasure back to base without being eaten. There are spare swords, caches of grub, and prisoners who can tell you": 1 "reviews2" 1 "real world equivalent. In fact it is more about strategy than zap and pow, but you do have to react quickly to an air attack. The performance of the sub is modelled on the real WW2 diesel-electric S-class craft." 1 "numbers from one to ten, on the basis that VU readings don't really apply to squawk anyhow. You can't chuck the lid. It's part of the tape holding scheme.There's cue, review, pause, and auto stop (on play and record only), plus a tape counter." 1 "me. You just have to get used toit. To make sense of it in deci-mal, you multiply the second byte by 256 and add the first. Last issue we produced a hex loader/lister that could be usedto enter short routines like this one into memory. If you've" 1 "it from one address to another. The original contents of the 'from' address are unaffected. There is so much waffle in this article that there is no room for a hidden SCREEN$ to flash onto the screen, not if itis to fit 16K Spectrums, anyway." 1 "got that handy you could try a small rewrite of the above, by altering the 'from' address. It is important to remember that the computer does not move the memory contents, but copies" 1 "for any personal key preference.Let us hope everyone starts do- ing it this way."'" The maze is randomly generatedafresh for each game to keep youfrom getting bored, and it's a pretty big maze.": 1 "computer, who depth charges you from his aircraft."'" Besides the screen in our snapthere are the chart room and theview through the periscope, bothin high-res graphics. All those dials and gadgets function, too,": 1 "catered for. The condenser mic, carry handle and speaker are notpertinent, but you get them. I hate cassette deck lids, butthis lid is the sort that plays no part in holding the cassette in place, so you can just bust it off and sling it. Big plus." 1 "already know machine code, then this one is so simple it will bore you. It's only twelve bytesbut is a most versatile bit of gear. So much so that you may have seen it before. In fact it is really a single instruction." 1 "ahead of time, using the regist-er loading instructions. The registers are just single bytes of memory within the CPU where it keeps numbers that it is ac- tually working with. We need sixof them for this trick." 1 "Spectrum in the usual way."'" The object is to pilot your submarine on a mission to des- troy the enemy, also a sub, and if you have an enemy with a mic-rodrive fitted to his Spectrum then you can hunt each other. Otherwise you play against your" 1 "Seasoned hackers will have been driven mad with boredom. Don't worry, it hardly shows! Press a key to smear the ROM all over the screen. Then we'll loop backthrough the article again. AAGH!" 1 ";(diff-.75 1 " You can start at any of the five mazes, each of which is larger than one screen and will scroll sideways as you move a- cross. There is a map of the current maze always visible at the top, but you aren't really likely to get lost.": 1 " When you collect a treasure, it disappears and the score thusgained appears briefly in its place. Nice touch. There are al-so keys to be collected if you are to travel far through the tomb, each door needing its own." 1 " We chose two decks for review,the CPD-8300 from W H Smith and the Superscope C-190 from Boots.Both of these have extra fea- tures which are of use in data applications, although only the W H Smith deck is specifically designed for computing." 1 " This one has almost everythingthat you miss on a cheap deck, tape counter, tone control, lev-el meter, pause, cue, review andauto- stop. It also has useful features found very seldom on any deck, like variable speed and three modes of level con- trol, manual, auto, or limiter." 1 " This is the memory block mov- ing instruction with the mnemon-ic LDIR and the hex code ED B0, (two bytes) or 237, 176 in deci-mal. We use it to move a SCREEN$which we have stored high in thememory into the proper screen memory where it belongs." 1 " This is the first two-computergame for the Spectrum, and one of the first pieces of software to make use of the microdrive network, if not the drives them-selves. It can, however, also beplayed on a single, unadorned" 1 " This is a fast moving maze game with lots of monsters and treasure and the emphasis on ac-tion. The skulls gnash, snakes wriggle and the mummy walks, in fact, if it doesn't move, grab it, it must be treasure." 1 " There is an element of forced coyness about the name of the original, as a prominent manu- facturer of board games felt it was too similar to a game they have been marketing for some time and insisted that the titlebe changed." 1 " There are two other screens toshow the relative positions of all players, and details of all the properties. This last will allow trades and deals to be en-tered, and the Spectrum can evenhaggle on its own behalf.": 1 " There are slide controls for tone, volume, and manual record level. There is plenty of volumeavailable from the EXT SP socket(Spectrums like it loud). A rot-ary control will vary the speed by + or - 20%, very useful for" 1 " The size is 10*8*3 inches, butoriented the other way than us- ual, wide side on, with a slopedtop. Fewer 'audio' type featureswhich you don't need allow a lower price at just under forty notes. " 1 " The ones that ED B0 expects usto use are named B,C,D,E,H and Lbut we will treat them as pairs in this routine. The Z80 CPU hasa lot of instructions which workon two registers as a pair be- cause the address bus is two bytes (16 bits) wide." 1 " The object is to rescue a per-son of the opposite sex from thecity, which is overrun with hugeants. The boy can save the girl or (my favourite mode) the girl does all the hard work while theboy lounges about on a wall, no doubt cheering on the ants." 1 " The first recorder I ever usedfor a computer program was a Leevers-Rich Synchropulse model C, full of valves and originallymade for the movie industry. In those days only IBM and Honey- well had dedicated tape machinesand the rest of us used whatevercame to hand." 1 " The convenience of not having to mess with a lot of pieces of paper is offset somewhat by the limited view of the board duringplay. As our snap shows, only a few properties at the position of the player currently moving are in view on the main screen." 1 " The complexity of the display precludes the use of more than one colour in order to keep the speed required for animation, a trade-off that is well worth- while. The hero and heroine, or": 1 " The Spectrum implementation isa faithful copy with all the oldfamiliar places. The major ino- vation is that the computer can be one of the players, as well as keeping track of the board, bank and all the property deeds." 1 " The Kempston joystick is sup- ported, or you can define your own control keys. This seems to be the best solution for games keyboards, as it will allow for the use of other joysticks (likeSinclair's own) which imitate the keys, as well as catering " 1 " Suffice it to say that this isthe game where most people wouldrather spend the night in jail than in a Mayfair hotel. There is neither need nor room for me to go into the method of play orrules for this one.": 1 " So we will need three more in-structions to load the register pairs with our numbers, and the numbers themselves, which will each be two bytes. One last in- struction, C9 hex (201 decimal),is needed at the end to return" 1 " So I have loaded HL with zero,which is the address where the ROM begins. That should make a nice mess. We'll see shortly. If you haven't played with machine code before, I hope thatthis has provided some insight." 1 " Sandy White, sculptor, has putaside traditional materials for long enough to create a city outof electrons. It can be viewed from four points of the compass in superb 3D perspective, using a programming technique which heis attempting to patent." 1 " Power supply is mains only. There is no built in mic, but you can use it as a normal re- corder if you wish. There is a small speaker and a special mon-itor switch that lets you listenat a low level while recording." 1 " Power may be supplied by mainsor battery, or even an external six volt supply. A removable mains lead is provided. In/out plugs are similarily diversifiedwith both DIN and mini jacks " 1 " Only you can decide if the ad-ditional facilities are worth the extra cash. They do help to ensure that a dumb mistake does not destroy the preceding hours of cleverness, which is invalu- able for serious applications." 1 " Of course, there are other ways of writing it down, binary for instance, but most people prefer to work in hex. You may have noticed that the numbers following the load instructions were backwards. Complaints to ZILOG, MOSTEK, and INTEL, not" 1 " Naturally, the world's first tape magazine decided to have a close look at what was availableon behalf of ourselves as well as our readers. As the whole magazine passes through one cas-sette deck, that deck must work." 1 " My only quarrel with all this realism is that the control keyswere often slow to respond. Thiscaused me to flood my diesels on several crash dives. It is inBASIC mostly, and you just have to press the key when it's look-ing. Can use Protek joysticks.": 1 " Movement is by the 'turn left,turn right, move forward' methodand it is here that the game is let down slightly. There are a lot of control keys (four for the grenades alone), all of themfixed, not user-definable, and no joystick option." 1 " Let us first dispense with theone design blunder. There is on-ly a single control for both re-cord level and volume, and as there's no auto record level op-tion, you have to keep twiddlingit from save to load and back." 1 " Kempston and AGF joysticks aresupported, and this game is fastenough to need them. The controlkey scheme is usable (though notuser definable) but I always getflustered. The smart bomb is on-ly available via the keys, as the fire button works the laser.": 1 " It is such a nice bit of kit in every other way, too. Pity. This one is dedicated alright,there is even a switch marked Spectrum/Other. I don't know what it's for, but it certainly speaks my language!" 1 " It has one major deficiency asa data recorder, which is that you still have to unplug one lead when recording to avoid thedreaded feedback loop. Most of us are used to this by now, but it is still a non-feature." 1 " Input and output are isolated,you don't have to jerk the ear lead out when saving. Great! Youget computer oriented Load, Saveand Tape Running indicator LEDs too, and the level meter has a light. The meter markings aren'tthe standard VU scales but just" 1 " Indeed, a company called Com- modore has become the major mak-ers of mono cassette decks mere-ly by ensuring that their compu-ters (they make something calleda Vic) will work with no other." 1 " In action it is even more im- pressive. The hero is a lovely mover and the MAZIACS most hor- ribly are not. The battle anima-tions will knock you out. There is a cute bit if you don't keep your warrior moving. After a few" 1 " If you only use your tape to load commercial software or read'Spectrum Computing' then this rule is fine. Indeed, this maga-zine used to be put together on a cassette machine that cost less than a tenner." 1 " However, your laser only fireshorizontally, so the monsters can get you if they catch you ina vertical passage. They keep being regenerated from certain spots in the maze, and careful timing is needed to get past." 1 " However, the visible assuranceof recording that a level meter provides, plus the convenience of a tape counter for finding files will make either of these machines worth the extra to any-one who is programming or using tape to store data files." 1 " Conventional wisdom regarding tape recorders for use with com-puters is that the cheapest is usually best. This is because data, unlike music, is not im- proved by the sophisticated hissfilters (try saying that aloud!)which come in quality recorders." 1 " Conceptually, this is the ZX81program MAZOGS, but the transferto Spectrum graphics cannot be termed a mere re-write. As with all of Don Priestley's work, it looks like some kind of hardwareupgrade in the display area. Onesimply marvels at the graphics." 1 " But the manufacturers have suddenly realised that no one uses a mono recorder to blast out the latest Beatles hit any- more, and have begun to tailor their product to the use that wehave all been putting it to." 1 " But before we can use ED B0 wehave to tell the computer where the block of memory we want mov-ed is, and where we want it to go to, and how big the block is.We do that by loading the appro-priate numbers into the CPU " 1 " Both have a black mark: Boots needing the ear lead unplugged, and Smith's single level/volume control. Perhaps the choice is which defect bothers you least." 1 " As an exploring archaeologist you are naturally armed with a laser, and one that is particu- larily effective against spooks at that. You also have one smartbomb which clears the screen of nasties at one blow." 1 " Apart from the proper letters (the ones that are on tape) thatwe get from our readers and put in the magazine, there is a lot of old fashioned paper post thatcomes in which we can't share soeasily. But we certainly take note." 1 " Amid the suggestions and, er, suggestions (the only comment wehave had about Hacker's Hangout so far is that 'they certainly do') can be found the occasionalanswerable query. The most fre- quent of these is, 'how do we do" 1 " AUTOMATA have a deserved rep- utation for what can only be termed 'daftware', but this of- fering does not have the usual 'miss' single on the back, nor any lunacy not inherent in the original game." 1 " Q TO GO UP - A TO GO DOWN P TO GO RIGHT - O TO GO LEFT "''" KEY=50 Pts - WHITE MAN=10 Pts BONUS of 10 times the number of sheets after every sheet" 1 " IN THIS GAME YOU ( 1 " 1 01 Load BC pair with- 0 00 1B00 = 6912, the 27 1B number of bytes"''" 237 ED Copy BC bytes 176 B0 from HL to DE"''" 201 C9 RETURN " 1 " CONCLUSIONS"''" Both recorders performed very well, as you would expect. In fact the Spectrum doesn't reallyrequire this sort of coddling inthe cassette interface, being a pretty tolerant tape reader." 1 SCORE HI-SCORE LIVES 1 ESCAPE! BY A.BIGLIN 1 < THE DOORS LOOK LIKE THIS > 1 ------------------------- 1 " The graphics are so impressiveas to make such niggles churlishif not totally irrelevant. Pay no attention. Buy the game and learn the control keys. Both in-vestments will be worthwhile. After all, it is a work of Art.": 1 " But the first time you lose a few hours or days work because you can't read it back off the tape, paranoia sets in. Suddenlythe best is none too good and money no object. Can mere wealthpurchase data security? Read on!" 1 1